Monday, October 31, 2011

Here is the post I found!

The reason this post attracted me in the first place is, just like everyone else, I struggle with creative block.  I have never really found a "solution" to this problem, but these tips seem rather helpful and a bit more productive then just simply waiting until the creative block passes.  They have broken creative block down into seven different categories; the mental block, the emotional barrier, work habits that don't work, personal problems, poverty, overwhelm, and communication breakdown.  I can recall experiencing each kind.  The thing I liked best about the solutions is that all of them were applicable to daily life situations as well.  Many of them involved believing in yourself, relaxing, and getting over your fears of failure.  All of which are great pieces of advice no matter what your problem may be.  I already found this article helpful and it will surely be helpful in the future.

Digital Narrative

For this assignment we had to use our skills of manipulating images on photoshop to create a narrative. I used my lizard as a subject and placed him in my daily life situations. Seeing him in different scenarios in my life really portrayed a lot larger of a story to some people than I assumed it would. I enjoyed this project very much. The final form of this project was a book entitled "The College Life of a Commuting Lizard."

Photoshop UnTruth

The assignment here was to use the tools of photoshop to experiment with the truth. I used myself as the subject. I edited myself according to the previous comments of others. Everyone has been made fun of one time or another. I used the comments on my physical appearance and changed them accordingly to make what people said a reality. 

Keep in mind these images are a progression.
The first image is me as I am.
The second image I simply took away blemishes.
The third image I made my eyes smaller.
The fourth image I made my nose smaller.
The last image I made my forehead smaller.

The reality is that, if I ever "fixed" my face based on peoples comments I wouldn't be a better looking person at all. Hopefully this speaks to how cruel comments made on a daily basis shouldn't hold any weight at all. People are beautiful the way they are. The second people begin to change what they are beauty begins to fade.